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Babies & Toddlers Intolerance Test

Finger or Heel Prick Blood Sample Required

This exclusive test has been been specifically designed with babies in mind. Recognizing the need for a clear understanding of what's causing your baby's discomfort, our clinic offers a specialised intolerance test for babies. This test is a game-changer for many families. 

Blood sample

over 350 items tested

Results in 7 days

Per Child


Visit our Clinic

Pay and provide blood sample at our Clinic during opening times.

View a Sample Report

Clear and easy to understand results delivered to your email.

About this Test

Health & Wellness Screening Since 2015

Parenthood brings with it a world of joy, but also a host of worries, especially when it comes to the health of our little ones. Among the common concerns for parents of newborns to toddlers (0-3 years) are issues like skin rashes, eczema, redness, constipation, bloating, tummy aches, and general irritability. It's often a distressing mystery for mothers who are left wondering about the root cause. Could it be the formula? Dairy products? Even exclusively breastfed babies sometimes exhibit these symptoms. At our clinic, we understand these concerns and have developed a comprehensive approach to pinpointing the problem.

Food Intolerance in Babies

Food intolerance in babies is a complex issue. Unlike food allergies, which trigger an immune system response, food intolerances are often related to the digestive system's inability to handle certain foods. This can be tricky to diagnose, as symptoms can be varied and may not appear immediately after eating.

Specialised Testing

Recognizing the need for a clear understanding of what's causing your baby's discomfort, our clinic offers specialised food intolerance tests for babies. This test is a game-changer for many families. It's designed to identify not only foods & environmental allergens (that might be causing problems) but also tests for baby specific products like nappies, baby wipes, baby creams, lotions and more. 

What is Tested?

The Babies & Toddlers Test Panel includes testing intolerances to the following items:

Is it for you?

Do you want a comprehensive test for your baby like never before? Do you want to be proactive about your baby's health and get on top of any health issues that might be affecting them ? If you want an inclusive intolerance test with a detailed report that may help you and your GP, then this test may be the right test for you.

How to Prepare for the Test

Home Test Kit:
This test required 2 drops of blood from your baby. Please ensure your baby's finger or heel prick blood sample is taken at least 1 hours after any food or drink intake (except water). 

Clinic Visit:
Please ensure that your baby is on an empty stomach at least 1 hour before your appointment time. 

Why Consider taking this test?

You want a thorough check for your baby that covers common everyday food and non food categories
You want to see how food may be affecting your baby's health 
You want to check your baby's intolerance levels
You want an easy and convenient way to check the main environmental allergens that may be affecting your baby

Find out the potential causes of your problems with a bioenergetic intolerance test.



The contents of our test reports are not meant to infer any diagnosis, treatment or cure of specific conditions and illnesses. Although many illnesses can be linked to nutritional deficiencies, intolerances and pathogenic or toxic influences, the likely presence of such in your report is not necessarily indicative of the illness itself. If you are concerned about your health, please seek the advice of your GP or Medical Adviser. The information provided in our test reports may help them further towards considering more formal investigations in line with current medical practice.

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